Ishak Ibrahim

Ishak Ibrahim is a researcher, advocate and campaigner specialized in issues related freedom of  belief and religious minorities at Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR). Responsibilities include desk research, fieldwork, authoring reports, managing research and editorial team, and media outreach. Ibrahim holds a BA from faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. He worked many years for human rights organizations, he worked also  as a journalist for Watani newspaper. He is a member at Egyptian journalist syndicate. Ibrahim awarded best interview in competition sponsored by the UN Press Center in concert with the European Union and the Ahram Center for Journalism, 2008. Irregularly, Ibrahim writes articles about rights and freedoms in some web sites like, al-Dimuqratiya, issued by the Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies; Mada Masr, an independent online newspaper; and the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP).

Articles by: Ishak Ibrahim

بالرغم من جهود تطويره، التعليم في مصر فضاء لصناعة التمييز الديني

تُسلط المقالة الضوء على تدريس الدين في المناهج وتأثير ذلك في خلق مناخ التمييز والتطرف الفكري، وتسعى إلى توضيح ذلك من خلال تحليل بعض الدروس، وقراءة سياسات تطوير المناهج الدينية التي أعلنت...

A Decade of Curricular Reform? Egypt’s Schools Still Teach Division and Discrimination

Egypt’s education system has long been criticized for an increasing intrusion of religious discourse in its curricula. What has that looked like, and how has the Egyptian government responded?

الملحدون في مصر .. الحياة على حافة “الموت المدني”

لا تزال معاناة الملحدين وغير المؤمنين في مصر مستمرة، بالرغم من الإشارات الإيجابية من جانب المسئولين عن احترام حرية الدين أو المعتقد. يعيش الملحدون في مصر بين الملاحقة الأمنية والنبذ المجتمعي، لم...