Hussein Cheaito

Hussein Cheaito is a former Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on governance and economic development in Lebanon. He is a Development Economist at The Policy Initiative, a Beirut-based research center that aims to empirically assess existing policies and generate viable alternatives. Hussein is interested in the economics of decentralization (specifically fiscal federalism), gender and queer economics, and development economics. In his current work, he has been diagnosing regional economic development in three different districts in Lebanon using various quantitative methods. He has also been examining the effectiveness of Lebanon’s local public finance system, the country’s remittances-dependent economic model, and the political economy of aid. He seeks to advocate for an economic research agenda that is heterodox, localized, and feminist in nature. Hussein graduated with an MSc in Development Economics from the University of Sussex as joint Saïd Foundation, Chevening, and British-Lebanese Association scholar in 2020. He received his BA in Economics and minor in Political Studies from the American University of Beirut. You can follow him on Twitter at @husseinch96.

Articles by: Hussein Cheaito

المنظور الكويري لأزمات لبنان الهائلة 

فطالما وقَعَ المثليون، وهم جزء لا يتجزأ من المجتمع اللبناني، ضحايا للوصم والنبذ الاجتماعي، إذ يُصوَّرون كمصدرٍ للاضطراب الاجتماعي، ويُنبَذون لمجرد رفضهم للمغادرة ولعملية محوهم. وحتى يومنا هذا، يعاقِب القانون على العلاقات...

Thinking Queerly About Lebanon’s Mega-Crises

Amid loud neglect of sexuality, gender, race, and class in unpacking Lebanons' crippling social and economic collapse, this article aims to highlight the socioeconomic violence brought by Lebanon’s government and monetary authorities...