Mona Zeineddine

Mona Zeineddine is a former Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on gender transformative justice in Syria. She is the Advocacy Manager at Women Now for Development, a feminist, women-led NGO dedicated to deepening and strengthening women’s role in Syrian and host communities by enhancing their political, social, and economic participation. Mona is particularly focused on Women Now’s transformative justice and accountability program, whether through advocacy initiatives that support strategic litigation, collaborative training sessions for independent participants and victims associations, as well as research. Prior to joining Women Now, Mona was the Litigation Program Coordinator at the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), a Syrian human rights organization. Her work focused on women’s participation in judicial proceedings as well as developing and implementing comprehensive gender-sensitive litigation strategies. Mona holds an MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy and a BA in Political Studies from the American University of Beirut. You can follow her on Twitter at @mona_zeineddine.