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The Cycle of LGBTQ+ Socioeconomic Inequality in the MENA Region

As countries across the Middle East and North Africa confront staggering economic crises, the myriad existing inequalities and injustices LBGTQ+ people face are further exacerbated. In combination with deteriorating economic conditions, underlying issues of access to quality education, in addition to their marginalized status, can seriously limit employment options for LGBTQ+ people in the region, leading to prolonged financial instability. Without stable income or employment opportunities, members of the LGBTQ+ community are rendered increasingly vulnerable to social and state harassment, as they are often forced to work odd jobs that increase their vulnerability, creating a cycle of entrenched marginalization.

On June 27, 2023, the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) hosted a virtual panel discussion on the pervasive cyclical, and systemic marginalization affecting LGBTQ+ people across the MENA region featuring Nora Noralla (TIMEP), Hussein Cheaito (The Policy Initiative), Weema Askri (Mawjoudin), and Dr. Lamyaâ Achary (Independent researcher) and moderated by Sophie Chamas (SOAS). Panelists examined the frameworks that entrench LGBTQ+ discrimination, the impact of marginalization in the economy, and pathways to meaningful integration of LGBTQ+ people socially, economically, and holistically. 

Through an intersectional lens, panelists explored how the economic struggles faced by queer communities are compounded by factors such as discrimination, limited access to resources, and societal biases. How does a lack of financial stability affect queer people in the region? How have economic crises in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon impacted the job market for LGBTQ+ individuals? How can NGOs, international financial institutions, and government stakeholders  shift their approaches to ensure they are inclusive of queer perspectives and experiences?

Watch the recording here: