Aamer Almustafa

Aamer Almustafa is a lecturer at Free Aleppo University and other universities in northern Syria. Currently, he teaches translation theories at the department of postgraduate studies and is a member of examiners board and refereed many linguistic research. He published various articles on language, education and society, and plans to publish his own book on translation studies this summer. Additionally, Aamer worked as a translator and interpreter for key international organizations like the UN, and currently translated and copyedits articles for well-known research centers and institutes. Aamer holds a PhD in Linguistics and Translation with First-Class Honors Degree from Helwan University, Egypt. You can follow him on Twitter at @AlmustafaAamer.

Articles by: Aamer Almustafa

التعليم في شمال غرب سورية: طريق شاق وطويل

يقدم هذا المقال نظرة عامة على قطاع التعليم في شمال غرب سورية، في محاولة للوقوف على أهم المعوقات والفجوات التي يعاني منها القطاع

Education System in Northwestern Syria: A Long Road Ahead

The education sector in northwest Syria currently faces various obstacles and gaps caused by the decade-long conflict, but also the country's worsening economic crisis and difficult living conditions.