Amy Fallas

Amy Fallas is a PhD student in history at the University of California, Santa Barbara and specializes in Modern Middle East History. Her dissertation examines the development of faith-based charitable institutions in Egypt, with a focus on Coptic societies and organizations. She also writes about current issues at the intersection of religion and politics in the US and Middle East.

Articles by: Amy Fallas

عندما يُغفل خطاب الوحدة الطائفية الممنهجة في مصر

بينما يمكن النظر لخطاب المساواة بين المسلمين والمسيحيين على أنه جزء من الحوار الوطني التوليدي، إلا أنه نادرًا ما يخطو خطوات نحو تجاوز حدود الخطاب، ولا يؤدي إلى سياسات تغير التمييز الممنهج...

When Unity Discourse Dismisses Systemic Sectarianism in Egypt

While the discourse of equality between Muslim and Christians in Egypt can be seen as part of a generative national dialogue, it rarely makes strides in moving beyond rhetoric nor does it...

Beyond Sectarian Violence: Socioeconomic Challenges for Copts in Egypt

While the freedom to worship without harm and the protection of Coptic life should be guarded, more common challenges Copts face on a daily basis in Egypt also deserve attention.