Bassel Jamali
Legal and Policy Intern

Bassel Jamali is a former Legal and Policy Intern at TIMEP. He is pursuing a JD and Master’s in Arab Studies at Georgetown University. Bassel has previously worked with organizations in the field of international law and is excited to continue working with TIMEP in this field. He hopes to work at the intersection of international law and the Middle East in the future.

Articles by: Bassel Jamali

المدونة: عشرون عامًا تقريبًا على صدور قانون الأسرة في المغرب

بدأ مجلس النواب المغربي مناقشة إمكانية إصلاح قانون الأسرة في البلاد الصادر عام 2004، والمعروف باسم "المدوَّنة"، والذي يغطي قضايا الزواج والطلاق والميراث وحضانة الأطفال. ومن المتوقع أن تساعد التعديلات المرتقبة على...

The Moudawana: Morocco’s Nearly 20-Year Old Family Code

Morocco’s House of Representatives began to discuss the possibility of reforming the country’s 2004 family code, known as the Moudawana, which covers issues such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody. The...