Jack Sproson

Jack Sproson is a British barrister operating a primarily international practice from Guernica 37 Chambers, a boutique specialist international law firm based in London, UK. Internationally, Jack accepts instructions in Public/Private International law, International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, and issues relating to Transitional Justice. In addition to contemporaneously advising on legal issues arising in live armed conflicts, he has dealt with matters before several international courts and tribunals, including the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the International Criminal Court, and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. He is actively engaged in a range of issues arising in the context of the Syrian conflict, with a particular specialism in relation to cross-border humanitarian aid operations.

Articles by: Jack Sproson

المأزق الجديد لإدخال المساعدات الخارجية إلى سوريا

تتحكم أهواء النظام السوري وحليفته روسيا في تجديد قرار مجلس الأمن الذي تدخل بموجبه المساعدات التي تنسقها الأمم المتحدة عبر الحدود إلى سوريا. لا ينبغي لهذا الوضع أن يستمر، حيث أن هناك...

The New Cross-Border Predicament in Syria

UN-coordinated cross-border aid into Syria has been dependent on a UNSC resolution, and its renewal has been controlled by the whims of the Syrian regime and its ally, Russia. Things do not...