Muhsen AlMustafa

Muhsen AlMustafa is a former Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on security, military, and governance in Syria. He is a researcher at the Omran Center for Strategic Studies. He has published a number of studies and articles on the Syrian military establishment, legal issues, gender, and elections in the context of the Syrian army and constitution. He previously participated in Tawazun, the Index of Arab Civil-Military Relations launched by the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center. He is also skilled in data visualizations and creating interactive charts. Muhsen holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Systems from Aleppo University, Syria, and a Diploma in Political Science from the Academy of International Relations, from the İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University in Turkey. You can follow him on Twitter at @MuhsenAlmustafa.

Articles by: Muhsen AlMustafa

أزمات وصراع: زيارة إلى الشمال السوري

ما بين نظام الأسد وجرائمه المستمرة، ومأساه زلزال شباط\فبراير 2023، يعيش السوريون في شمال البلاد محنة مزدوجة. نرصد بعض المشاهدات من على الأرض بعد عام من الزلزال لنفهم ديناميكيات الشمال السوري والتحديات...

القتال أو الهروب، كابوس التجنيد الإلزامي في سورية

مسألة التجنيد الإجباري/الخدمة الإلزامية لا تزال من أهم القضايا التي تتعلق بالحرب السورية. ويلقي هذا المقال نظرة على تاريخ هذه وتأثيراتها على المجتمع السوري

Disaster and Dystopia: The Earthquake in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria

The devastating earthquake will be a tipping point in modern history, where a large number of Syrians and Turks—myself included—will remember it as one in which many of their loved ones lost...