Nathalie Rosa Bucher

Nathalie Rosa Bucher is a writer and researcher with an academic background and has published features for South African, Lebanese, and international media. Extensive research on the old cinemas of Tripoli undertaken since 2013 has led to her joining UMAM’s Documentation and Research team, as an archives assistant and researcher and curating TripoliScope. She obtained an MPhil in Rhetoric Studies and Disaster Risk Science from the University of Cape Town and is particularly interested in arts and culture, heritage and memory, mobility, indigenous knowledge systems and livelihoods adaptations strategies.

Articles by: Nathalie Rosa Bucher

إحداثُ التغييرِ: حلول مبتكرة لأزمة الوقود في لبنان

أدت الضغوطُ الماليةُ الشديدةُ التي تُعاني منها الأسرُ اللبنانيةُ إلى حدوث تحوُّل كبير في طريقة تنقُّل الأفراد. ونظرًا لخطورة الوضع، فإنه من السهل توقُّعُ استمرارِ هذه التغيُّرات على المدى القريب.

Delivering Change: Responding to Lebanon’s Fuel Crisis with Innovation 

The extreme financial stresses experienced by Lebanese households has prompted a big shift in the way people move. Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city, has seen an increase in the use of alternative...