Nouran Ragrag

Nouran Ragrag is a Masters of International Studies and Diplomacy graduate from SOAS, University of London. Her thesis focused on obstacles to women’s participation in politics and the peace and reconciliation process in Libya post-2011, with the case study being on the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Libya. Her areas of focus include gender and intersectional studies in North Africa, particularly in the Libyan context. She is exploring the role gender and human rights play in digital security as an expert speaker at the UN75 digital security working group.

Articles by: Nouran Ragrag

ماذا تعني السّياسة الخارجيّة النّسويّة لليبيا؟

انتشرت رسائل إيجابيّة في يونيو الماضي عبر وسائل التّواصُل الاجتماعي لدعم إعلان وزيرة الخارجيّة الليبيّة بشأن تبنِّي سياسة خارجيّة نسويّة. مِن الصّعب عمليًّا تخيّل أي محاولاتٍ تُسهِم في جعل البنية السياسيّة نسويّة،...

What Does a Feminist Foreign Policy Mean for Libya?

Positive messages spread across social media this past June in support of an announcement by Libya’s Minister of Foreign Affairs about the adoption of a Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP). What does it...

Libyan Women and Political Participation: Ten Years Since the Revolution

Women's insecurity in Libya represents one of the main factors that challenges gender equality and the status quo, hindering the reconciliation and peace process.