Basma Alloush

Basma Alloush is the policy and advocacy adviser at NRC USA. Throughout her time at NRC, Basma has conducted field missions to Iraq, Nigeria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Jordan. Additionally, Basma is a Syrian researcher looking at conflict-related economic activities and human security issues in Syria. Basma obtained her master’s degree at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy where she focused on Transitional Justice, Human Security, and Conflict Resolution. She completed her thesis project on the role of diaspora in transitional justice processes with a particular focus on the Syrian and Liberian cases. She also holds a bachelor's degree in Finance from Northeastern University. During her time at Northeastern University, she studied abroad in Lyon, France and worked for IBM in Manila, Philippines. Basma Alloush is a Syrian citizen, she grew up in six different Middle Eastern countries including Yemen and Sudan.

Articles by: Basma Alloush

How Russia’s War in Ukraine is Impacting the MENA Region

As the war in Ukraine has been raging for over four months, there are growing concerns on its long-term effects on the countries from the MENA region that are particularly vulnerable due...

The Village of Khattab: A Syrian Story

This month, Syrians marked the eleventh anniversary of the Syrian revolution – a hopeful time when people defied decades of suppression to take to the streets demanding dignity, rights, and freedom. As...

Overcoming the Hurdles: The Struggle of Palestinian Humanitarian NGOs

At a time when the humanitarian crisis in Palestine worsens, the survival of Palestinian humanitarian organizations continues to be threatened.