Haid Haid

Dr. Haid Haid is a columnist and a Senior Consulting Research Fellow at the Chatham House Middle East and North Africa Program. Previously, Dr. Haid served as a Program Manager focusing on Syria and Iraq at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Middle East Office in Beirut. He has also worked as a Senior Protection Assistant at UNHCR’s Damascus office. Dr. Haid’s academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in sociology, a postgraduate diploma in counseling, as well as two master’s degrees, one in social development and another in conflict resolution. He also holds a PhD in war studies.

Articles by: Haid Haid

Smoke and Mirrors: Assad’s Exploitation of Israel’s War on Gaza to Escalate Atrocities in Idlib

Since October, and capitalizing on the world’s focus on Gaza, Assad’s regime has intensified its assaults on civilians in Idlib to perpetuate violence with minimal attention.

Time to Tackle Climate Change in Northeast Syria

The pressing climate challenges in Northeast Syria have taken a back seat, overshadowed by the dominance of immediate survival concerns. But the moment to act is now.

Biden’s Unbalanced Support for Israel Comes With a Heavy Price

The United States’ one-sided solidarity with Israel is widely perceived, particularly in the Middle East, as bestowing upon Israel a sense of impunity for its humanitarian violations in Gaza.