Meroua Zouai
Legal Associate

Meroua Zouai is a former Legal Associate at TIMEP. She has dedicated her academic and professional career to pursuing accountability for human rights violations and increasing access to justice across MENA and West Africa by working with local and international NGOs. Prior to joining TIMEP, Meroua worked on atrocity crimes litigation at the Center for Justice & Accountability, provided direct legal representation for asylum seekers in the United States and engaged regional and UN human rights mechanisms to advocate for migrant and refugee rights. She received her J.D. and M.A. in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania with a Global Human Rights Certificate. Meroua also holds a B.A. in political science and psychology with honors from the Scholars Program at Brooklyn College (CUNY). She is fluent in English, French and Arabic.

Articles by: Meroua Zouai

السُبل المحلية للمساءلة في سوريا

بينما ترحب الحكومات في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا بعودة نظام الأسد إلى الساحة الدولية، تُبرِز جهود مساءلته أمام المحاكم الأجنبية نضال السوريين المستمر منذ عقود من أجل تحقيق العدالة

The Shrinking of Tunisia’s Judicial Independence Since 2021

President Kais Saied’s power grab on July 25, 2021 and subsequent rule by executive decree has dramatically transformed Tunisia’s once-hopeful path to democracy. This article examines the instrumentalization of the executive, security...

Domestic Avenues for Accountability in Syria

While governments across the MENA region welcome the Assad regime back to the international stage, extraterritorial accountability efforts shed some light on the decades-long fight for justice that Syrian survivors have been...