Yasmina Choueiri

Yasmina Choueiri is a water governance and urban environmental design specialist with experience as both an academic and consultant. She uses an applied and participatory-based research approach to analyze complex fragmented water systems, (of mixed formal and informal systems: that cover piped infrastructures, illegal water tankers, bottled water and private domestic wells), identify spectrum of disparities and develop appropriate equity-based policy recommendations. She completed her Ph.D. from the University of California Davis where she researched informal water systems in Lebanon. Her research contributed to the field of water justice. She assessed the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the system and analyzed the social network of those behind the informal water system.

Articles by: Yasmina Choueiri

الآثار الخفية الجائرة لمصادر المياه غير الرسمية في لبنان

ظهرت أولى صهاريج المياه غير الرسمية في لبنان في السبعينيات تقريبًا. في الوقت الحالي، تعاني البنية التحتية في لبنان من نقص في المياه كمًا ونوعًا، في ظل عقود من سوء الإدارة في...

Invisible and Unjust Impacts of Water Informality in Lebanon

Lebanon suffers from water intermittence from its main piped infrastructure. As a result, houses rely on informal water sources to satisfy their daily water needs.